Medium Density Residential Infill Subdivision
Examples of Resource Consent Preliminary Plans

Medium Density Residential Infill Subdivision This is an example of a Residential preliminary subdivision plan. This is the type of plan prepared for resource consent purposes. Following Council approval of the subdivision the legal survey is completed. Legal survey plans are then prepared along with survey report, occupation plans, traverse sheets and other supporting information.

Rural Subdivision This is an example of a Rural Subdivision Plan, it is the type of plan prepared for resource consent purposes. Following Council approval of the subdivision the legal survey is completed. Legal survey plans are then prepared along with survey report, occupation plans, traverse sheets and other supporting information.

Recent Land Use Consent examples:

  • Sand Quarry Hinuera/Puketutu Roads, Matamata:
  • Land use consent to operate a sand extraction and clean fill operation.
  • Waharoa West Road, Matamata:
  • Land use to acquire, store and sell various types of tanks, drums and vats.
  • State Highway 29, Hinuera:
  • Land use consent to operate an Agricultural Contracting business including use of the site as a yard for storing agricultural equipment, and as a workshop for minor repairs and maintenance.
  • Elizabeth Street Matamata:
  • Land use consent to relocate a second hand dwelling onto the site.
  • Land Use and Subdivision Consent for Matamata Sale Yards operation and a Rural sales retail operation in the Rural Zone.

Key Personnel

Gavin Harris

[email protected]

Andrew Holroyd

[email protected]

David Erb

[email protected]

Manwell Haumu

[email protected]

Pam Froger

[email protected]

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  Affiliated Organisations
  District Councils
  Regional Councils
  Subdivision Process Chart